One week of late spring in Villa Cerqualto/ Umbria

Once in a while you simply have to admit your children are right: our offspring rated Villa Cerqualto as the best holiday home ever! The last stretch of getting there appeared a bit sporting on our first attempt – but perfectly manageable (if you haven’t acquired your driver`s licence in a lottery, that is). The villa is ideally situated – with magnificent views, surrounded by a tastefully crafted garden (including a swimming pool), the interior design’s unpretentious elegance revealing the owner’s love for detail. Just imagine sitting on the balcony in the morning with a coffee in hand, watching the mist rise over the green hills of Umbria…! Listing all the places we have visited and excursions made from Cerqualto would take it too far; in any case, we were well counseled in a professional, targeted way (same applies to restaurants, ice cream places etc.), and we wouldn’t want to miss any of the outings undertaken. This account wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the nature part – oak woods, olive groves and meadows with a variety of orchids (Ophrys spp., Serapias), roaming roe deer, foxes (as well as nocturnal wild boar and porcupine which we didn’t see), birds like bee-eaters, golden orioles, hoopoes and wrynecks. To sum up – no matter whether you are more into culture, nature, dining/wining or simply stretching out: Cerqualto is well worth the fee!

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